Friday, August 5, 2011

Science at Home

A few weeks ago, my friend, Kara, sent an email with a project idea for kids and it looked like something Korben would get a kick out of so we tried it today. We made homemade lava lamps and just as I suspected, Korben had a lot of fun with it! The bubbles don't last but a few seconds so you have to keep adding to it to keep it going but that was Korben's favorite part anyway. Nobody actually learned anything about science from this little experiment but it was fun none the less. :)

Fill a clear container a little over half way with vegetable oil then fill the rest up with water...

Add ten drops of food coloring...

Break an alka seltzer in half and add to the bottle. Watch the "lava" go! You can add more alka selzter pieces as the bubbles die down but if you put too much in at once, it gets cloudy.

We also made a blue one

You can put the lids on to make a more complete look although I think it's kind of a pointless step.

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